keltanen: merluza de la plancha
keltanen: the luisito
keltanen: el jefe's prank order 1/2: suckling lamb brains
keltanen: meatgasm (this one's for eliot)
keltanen: friday breakfast
keltanen: best pizza in town, ready to hit the oven
keltanen: just as i finished saying..
keltanen: some hannibal type shit
keltanen: the goose delivers
keltanen: ice cream for the rest of us
keltanen: finally
keltanen: ok..
keltanen: ok, the photo's not great, but as promised elsewhere, here we go
keltanen: breakfast
keltanen: a jug of wine, a loin of lamb, and whatever. fuck it.
keltanen: food. kk. ok.
keltanen: are you ready to make your order?
keltanen: indulgence
keltanen: salad, shot
keltanen: seriously, shank? with a rabbit bait?
keltanen: 'saltimbocca' filets of angler with a risotto of chantarelles and champagne sauce
keltanen: salmon
keltanen: lunch
keltanen: whitefish & false morels
keltanen: duck terrine with fig compote
keltanen: lunch: lamb @ wellamo
keltanen: chicken whatever
keltanen: lunch
keltanen: "a meringue based macaroon filled with a flavoured butter cream" (thanks gwen)
keltanen: the brunch of champions