keltanen: what it's like
keltanen: more zum eulenspiegel eccentricity
keltanen: the radisson altstadt crowd
keltanen: the zum eulenspiegel crowd
keltanen: wtfdamien
keltanen: oh yeah, then there was this
keltanen: folks from around here ain't from around here
keltanen: some hannibal type shit
keltanen: synchronicity
keltanen: the goose delivers
keltanen: matti's annotated map of salzburg
keltanen: i don't know. call it a caption contest.
keltanen: they've pre-photoshopped the lake
keltanen: ruhe.
keltanen: prieler's "sinner" chardonnay
keltanen: alpine blossom
keltanen: next batch goin up
keltanen: till you have seen what a threat holds below
keltanen: between peaks
keltanen: 5 minutes to midnight, salzburg
keltanen: 'saltimbocca' filets of angler with a risotto of chantarelles and champagne sauce
keltanen: ice cream for the rest of us
keltanen: finally
keltanen: . . .
keltanen: it's the forest people!
keltanen: mirabellgarten
keltanen: untersberg fix
keltanen: coveredinbeeeeeeeeees
keltanen: man.. that's a lot of eggs
keltanen: steinterrasse