keltanen: just as i finished saying..
keltanen: sake rating +12
keltanen: this just in from MY ASS
keltanen: picture puzzle
keltanen: viel spaz
keltanen: quick! follow me! i'll lead the way!
keltanen: füchschl
keltanen: riesenrad
keltanen: niete
keltanen: ok, the photo's not great, but as promised elsewhere, here we go
keltanen: desideratum
keltanen: what is
keltanen: to go
keltanen: düsseldorf hauptbahnhof
keltanen: are we there yet?
keltanen: bad neighbourhood
keltanen: helmut
keltanen: the view in
keltanen: the view out
keltanen: through the skylight
keltanen: view from hotel room
keltanen: accommodation update, or: i can has balkony?
keltanen: ghosts
keltanen: academy of fools!
keltanen: dubai model
keltanen: dubai model
keltanen: another move
keltanen: schwein
keltanen: schweinebrötchen
keltanen: peter