Kelson: Welcome to Madrona Marsh
Kelson: California Native Plants Demo Trail
Kelson: Wading Egret
Kelson: Neon Bird
Kelson: Marsh pools
Kelson: Sunflowers
Kelson: Green Reflection
Kelson: Grass, pool and bridge
Kelson: Road through the trees
Kelson: Stormwater Basin
Kelson: Rustic Fence
Kelson: Seed Pods
Kelson: Outstanding in its field
Kelson: Yellow Flowers
Kelson: Wild Sunflower
Kelson: Green and White Ground Cover
Kelson: Foxtails?
Kelson: Going Exploring
Kelson: Geese at the pool
Kelson: CA geese in the other CA
Kelson: Monarch Butterfly
Kelson: Decisions
Kelson: Reflecting Marsh
Kelson: Seasonal Wetlands: Summer vs Spring
Kelson: Seasons of Madrona Marsh