Kelson: Herringbone Moon
Kelson: Conjunction
Kelson: Clear Night
Kelson: Eclipse Ring
Kelson: Orion, Sirius, and Airplane
Kelson: Orion, Hyades, and Pleiades
Kelson: Cloudy Moon
Kelson: Pillar Moon
Kelson: UFO Fleet
Kelson: Venus and Mercury?
Kelson: Moon Halo and Jupiter
Kelson: Moon, Venus and Jupiter
Kelson: Moon
Kelson: Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter March 26
Kelson: Crescent Moon and Venus
Kelson: Lunar Eclipse
Kelson: Halloween moon
Kelson: Moon and Jupiter Conjunction: Two Views
Kelson: St. Patrick's Day Moon & Jupiter
Kelson: St Patrick's Day Moon, Jupiter and Aldebaran
Kelson: Airplane Moon
Kelson: Moon and Comet
Kelson: Planetary Triangle
Kelson: Supermoon and Lamppost
Kelson: Ragged Clouds and Moon
Kelson: Moon and Venus Between Palm Fronds
Kelson: Crescent Moon in a Tree
Kelson: Moon, Mars, Power Lines and Contrail
Kelson: Eclipse Lineup
Kelson: Eclispe Mosaic