Kelly M Reynolds:
Portrait of a Flicker
Kelly M Reynolds:
Tufted and it's seed take flight
Kelly M Reynolds:
Bluebird in the Snow
Kelly M Reynolds:
Flickers 1.7.2025 -2
Kelly M Reynolds:
Flickers 1.7.2025 -1
Kelly M Reynolds:
Chickadee enjoying the Sweet Gum seeds-3
Kelly M Reynolds:
Purple Finch, male
Kelly M Reynolds:
Fox Sparrow - Surprise Lifer for me
Kelly M Reynolds:
Song Sparrow
Kelly M Reynolds:
Cardinal in the Pines
Kelly M Reynolds:
House Finch
Kelly M Reynolds:
Blue Indigo
Kelly M Reynolds:
Blue Indigo
Kelly M Reynolds:
Blue Indogo
Kelly M Reynolds:
Blue Indigo
Kelly M Reynolds:
House Finch - Male
Kelly M Reynolds:
White Throated Sparrow
Kelly M Reynolds:
Wood Thush
Kelly M Reynolds:
American Robin Portrait
Kelly M Reynolds:
Female Finch Expression
Kelly M Reynolds:
In the Shadows
Kelly M Reynolds:
Red-bellied Woodpecker Taking Off
Kelly M Reynolds:
Downy Woodpecker Takes Flight
Kelly M Reynolds:
Pileated Woodpecker
Kelly M Reynolds:
After the rain... Mockingbird
Kelly M Reynolds:
Carolina Wren
Kelly M Reynolds:
Prothonotary Warbler
Kelly M Reynolds:
Eastern Meadowlark
Kelly M Reynolds:
They are back
Kelly M Reynolds:
Someone needs to learn to play "Hide and Seek" just a bit better :)