Kelly M Reynolds: Spring Morning Dew
Kelly M Reynolds: Sunlit Tufted Titmouse
Kelly M Reynolds: Sunbeam seems to shine on a Redheaded Finch
Kelly M Reynolds: Simplicity
Kelly M Reynolds: Black-eyed Junco
Kelly M Reynolds: Simple Moth
Kelly M Reynolds: Dew Drops
Kelly M Reynolds: Wild Ferns Shot with an iPhone 7+ © Kelly Reynolds ~ 133/365
Kelly M Reynolds: Swallowtail
Kelly M Reynolds: Eyes Up ~ Our Little Outfielder
Kelly M Reynolds: Blue Petals
Kelly M Reynolds: In Flight
Kelly M Reynolds: In full flight
Kelly M Reynolds: Wild Grass
Kelly M Reynolds: Portrait (goldfinch)
Kelly M Reynolds: Swallow Coming In For Landing
Kelly M Reynolds: Macro Bee
Kelly M Reynolds: After the rain.
Kelly M Reynolds: Simple Nature
Kelly M Reynolds: Fog and Ivy
Kelly M Reynolds: Rusted Barbwire
Kelly M Reynolds: Perfectly shaped Shell
Kelly M Reynolds: Baby Pines
Kelly M Reynolds: ​ Corn Stalk