Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher (1)
Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher (2)
Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher (3)
Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher (4)
Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher (5)
Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher (6)
Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher (7)
Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher (8)
Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher (9)
Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher
Kelly Mola: The Trainride to meet Christopher
Kelly Mola: Condom Rock only had 1 used rubber and Christopher almost put his hand in it
Kelly Mola: The boys near the pond (1)
Kelly Mola: The boys near the pond (1)
Kelly Mola: The boys near the pond
Kelly Mola: The boys near the pond
Kelly Mola: Christopher's Medicine
Kelly Mola: He backwashed into my water
Kelly Mola: Miguel Ponders
Kelly Mola: We remember The Gates
Kelly Mola: The boys attempt to climb Condom Rock, the most unclimbable rock in Central Park
Kelly Mola: The boys attempt to climb Condom Rock, the most unclimbable rock in Central Park (1)
Kelly Mola: The boys attempt to climb Condom Rock, the most unclimbable rock in Central Park (2)
Kelly Mola: The boys attempt to climb Condom Rock, the most unclimbable rock in Central Park (3)
Kelly Mola: The boys attempt to climb Condom Rock, the most unclimbable rock in Central Park (4)
Kelly Mola: The boys attempt to climb Condom Rock, the most unclimbable rock in Central Park (5)
Kelly Mola: The boys attempt to climb Condom Rock, the most unclimbable rock in Central Park (6)
Kelly Mola: The boys attempt to climb Condom Rock, the most unclimbable rock in Central Park (8)
Kelly Mola: The boys attempt to climb Condom Rock, the most unclimbable rock in Central Park (9)
Kelly Mola: The boys attempt to climb Condom Rock, the most unclimbable rock in Central Park (7)