Kelly Mola: Sometimes i don't know where she is.
Kelly Mola: She's Sleeping, the proof is in her red eye.
Kelly Mola: Tela Sleeps
Kelly Mola: Tela Sleeps (1)
Kelly Mola: Tela Sleeps (1)
Kelly Mola: Puffy Paper Tela.(6)
Kelly Mola: Puffy Paper Tela. (10)
Kelly Mola: Puffy Paper Tela. (9)
Kelly Mola: Puffy Paper Tela. (8)
Kelly Mola: Puffy Paper Tela. (7)
Kelly Mola: Freaky Tela.
Kelly Mola: Puffy Paper Tela. (2)
Kelly Mola: Puffy Paper Tela. (1)
Kelly Mola: Puffy Paper Tela.
Kelly Mola: Tela waits
Kelly Mola: Tela 2
Kelly Mola: Jose, Tela and Robots OH MY!
Kelly Mola: one twice threee times a clue loser...
Kelly Mola: she watches as i get my ass kicked in clue, twice
Kelly Mola: tela and june
Kelly Mola: She looks tired and sad
Kelly Mola: tela forbin
Kelly Mola: tela forbin!
Kelly Mola: tela likes her kennel, sometimes
Kelly Mola: she likes her kennel when i watch tennis
Kelly Mola: so cute