kellylo: lucky number 7
kellylo: the top of d'arcy's buttress
kellylo: rock climbers
kellylo: the witch's forest.
kellylo: leaving the green to go into the witch's forest
kellylo: grass path and willow trees
kellylo: owl
kellylo: beginning the trail
kellylo: josh finally bought a knife. and is licking it.
kellylo: this year's moccasins
kellylo: (welcome back) lake delton
kellylo: i was on the back of the boat. also, i like to pretend these are little sails.
kellylo: black hawk's profile in the distance.
kellylo: sandstone along the wisconsin river
kellylo: one of the ducks
kellylo: jane
kellylo: i love boats
kellylo: the wisconsin river
kellylo: the riverwalk
kellylo: questionable
kellylo: little kitty
kellylo: dells locs with their cat on a leash
kellylo: she may have had a mouth full of sand after this, but she had fun.
kellylo: teeter tottering
kellylo: saturday morning camp ground "nature" walk
kellylo: neighbors/llamas
kellylo: also for breakfast
kellylo: josh making our breakfast
kellylo: wonky eating her breakfast
kellylo: firepit: the morning after