Kelly Lightbeam: Look who showed up today!
Kelly Lightbeam: Look who showed up today!
Kelly Lightbeam: Orange haired beauties
Kelly Lightbeam: Naomi and Pam
Kelly Lightbeam: Naomi likes the sound of "Queen"
Kelly Lightbeam: Sweet Child 'O Mine
Kelly Lightbeam: Lucky find from walkabout
Kelly Lightbeam: The elusive Stitch Nation yarn
Kelly Lightbeam: Pop! is just down the street
Kelly Lightbeam: Naomi found a friend
Kelly Lightbeam: Here's why!
Kelly Lightbeam: Crafty Planet is the bomb
Kelly Lightbeam: BlytheMeet!
Kelly Lightbeam: Double the trouble
Kelly Lightbeam: They're not identical though...
Kelly Lightbeam: More Cloud Nine twins!
Kelly Lightbeam: What a perfect day
Kelly Lightbeam: Captain Naomi!
Kelly Lightbeam: Chillin on the dock
Kelly Lightbeam: Hippie girl sleeping with gnome