kelly-bell: Working Dog.
kelly-bell: Sweet little sack of sugar...
kelly-bell: Cutter & Murphy...
kelly-bell: Got a place to prop my head...
kelly-bell: Feather boa? What feather boa?
kelly-bell: I want to hug him & squeeze him & call him George...
kelly-bell: Work is just exhausting...
kelly-bell: sleepy face...
kelly-bell: Does this picture make my butt look big?
kelly-bell: Somebody's a bit miffed after their first trip to the groomer...
kelly-bell: Murphy & his Christmas pompadour...
kelly-bell: Slurp!
kelly-bell: Merry Murphy...
kelly-bell: Baby's got his blue jeans on...
kelly-bell: If only we could all be so photogenic...
kelly-bell: Please come back...
kelly-bell: Damn you, pizza... I wasn't finished with you yet!
kelly-bell: good hair day.
kelly-bell: Murphy at the Krewe of Barkus parade...
kelly-bell: Working Dog...
kelly-bell: working dog...
kelly-bell: comfy spot.
kelly-bell: Working Dog.
kelly-bell: Nick Nolte's mug shot?
kelly-bell: patriotism with a ponytail...
kelly-bell: Murphy...
kelly-bell: Murphy, riding shotgun...
kelly-bell: "Gimme a treat NOW!" #demandinghouseguest
kelly-bell: #murphy #yourenotleavingwithoutme
kelly-bell: Murphy...