kelly-bell: Two-Timer...
kelly-bell: Jon & His Girlfriend, Again...
kelly-bell: Quizzical Jemima
kelly-bell: Tallulah
kelly-bell: Jon cheating on me again...
kelly-bell: Jemima & the Beak of Death
kelly-bell: Adolescent Rebellion/Teenage Angst?
kelly-bell: Mom & Talullah -- Labor Day 2004
kelly-bell: In Your Face
kelly-bell: Little Miss Priss...
kelly-bell: The New Kid On the Block
kelly-bell: Greetings, Earthling.
kelly-bell: Greyson & Tallulah -- Thanksgiving 2004
kelly-bell: Inquiring Minds Want To Know...
kelly-bell: Joe-bird...
kelly-bell: Well, hello, Jemima...
kelly-bell: Cheeky little fella...
kelly-bell: Hey Joe.
kelly-bell: Kitty Murderer Strikes Again!!!
kelly-bell: urban wildlife....
kelly-bell: against the wind....
kelly-bell: Oooops!
kelly-bell: Hey there, Joe!
kelly-bell: sweet joe bird...
kelly-bell: Present On My Doorstep
kelly-bell: Jemima... playing coy.
kelly-bell: Sweet Joe, excited to see me!
kelly-bell: Look me in the eye and say it!
kelly-bell: bird on a wire... (sort of)
kelly-bell: mama bird, giving me the business!!!