kelly-bell: The Artful Winston.
kelly-bell: The Artful Pimp.
kelly-bell: The Artful Cat.
kelly-bell: The Artful Me.
kelly-bell: mattie on the side...
kelly-bell: Mattie's Would-Be Grunge Album Cover Art
kelly-bell: dollface...
kelly-bell: Mattie's Close-Up
kelly-bell: Gorilla Face
kelly-bell: Hair-Raising!
kelly-bell: liquor lights
kelly-bell: drink more liquor.
kelly-bell: the line-up
kelly-bell: the line-up
kelly-bell: Saturated (& "Hued") Spider Lilies
kelly-bell: Dixie Lou... now in Technicolor
kelly-bell: Purple Frog
kelly-bell: Aloe Plant
kelly-bell: would you like to step inside my [bird] house?
kelly-bell: funky wallpaper swatch... ?
kelly-bell: Before & After...
kelly-bell: Half Dog...
kelly-bell: Winston in Negative Art...
kelly-bell: Alcohol Burns...
kelly-bell: Purple Frog
kelly-bell: Appropriate Distortion
kelly-bell: Green on Purple
kelly-bell: Fun with Christmas Tree Lights
kelly-bell: Fun with Christmas Tree Lights