Kelly Rosen: Stay Gold.
Kelly Rosen: Say hello to my little friend.
Kelly Rosen: Randomness is beautiful.
Kelly Rosen: She likes to watch baseball.
Kelly Rosen: Sunset, again.
Kelly Rosen: My adventures with film.
Kelly Rosen: We are just misguided ghosts
Kelly Rosen: I like leaves.
Kelly Rosen: She is going to kill me for uploading this.
Kelly Rosen: And I say,
Kelly Rosen: "Remember the violin boy? Think about him." [explored]
Kelly Rosen: This photo was brought to you by the letter "D"
Kelly Rosen: I promise I will stop spamming your recent uploads with my crap after Friday.
Kelly Rosen: Inspiration comes when least expected.
Kelly Rosen: Told you I would.