Kelly Angard: love your mother!
Kelly Angard: human nature
Kelly Angard: grow strong
Kelly Angard: Barack Obama in Denver, CO
Kelly Angard: halcyon days
Kelly Angard: linear plains
Kelly Angard: the journey
Kelly Angard: allusive
Kelly Angard: unbridled
Kelly Angard: fear.ful.
Kelly Angard: double vision
Kelly Angard: secrets
Kelly Angard: otherness
Kelly Angard: lost souls
Kelly Angard: drifting
Kelly Angard: misplaced
Kelly Angard: concentric
Kelly Angard: fight or flight
Kelly Angard: heart of a flower
Kelly Angard: all bottled up
Kelly Angard: 2 a.m.
Kelly Angard: in progress...
Kelly Angard: what do you want?
Kelly Angard: tree. line.
Kelly Angard: blind alley
Kelly Angard: portraiture
Kelly Angard: the knowing