Kelly Hirano: Dad and Jane enjoying a moment
Kelly Hirano: Grandma wearing red
Kelly Hirano: Jane and Ernie
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Kelly Hirano: IMG_0785.JPG
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Kelly Hirano: IMG_0788.JPG
Kelly Hirano: IMG_0792.JPG
Kelly Hirano: Grandma's birthday cake
Kelly Hirano: Birthday table
Kelly Hirano: Grandma and Sharron
Kelly Hirano: Look at the Fuze
Kelly Hirano: Grandma opening a present
Kelly Hirano: Sharron and Grandma
Kelly Hirano: Susan and Dad looking at flowers
Kelly Hirano: Grandpa's name on the doorbell
Kelly Hirano: More presents for grandma
Kelly Hirano: Family chatting
Kelly Hirano: Picture action shot
Kelly Hirano: Lots of presents
Kelly Hirano: Saving the wrapping paper
Kelly Hirano: Lighting the candles
Kelly Hirano: The crowd is gathering
Kelly Hirano: Grandma and her cake
Kelly Hirano: Dishing out the cake and ice cream
Kelly Hirano: Bernadette and Susan talking
Kelly Hirano: Getting ready for the group shot
Kelly Hirano: Dad and his sisters
Kelly Hirano: Dad and his family