kellyclairehoffer: haystack rock
kellyclairehoffer: smoke stack
kellyclairehoffer: for my father, Erik the viking Jew
kellyclairehoffer: For Anna - weird America
kellyclairehoffer: for my Mother, look we finished!
kellyclairehoffer: controled burn
kellyclairehoffer: julia's car
kellyclairehoffer: confusion hill
kellyclairehoffer: rock island
kellyclairehoffer: lotso rocks
kellyclairehoffer: Made in Oregon
kellyclairehoffer: yes, that really is cheesecake on a stick, but it's Oregon, so it's probably organic :)
kellyclairehoffer: home of cheesecake on a stick at the saturday market
kellyclairehoffer: Saturday market
kellyclairehoffer: lighthouse in Oregon
kellyclairehoffer: bit phallic
kellyclairehoffer: cliff fence
kellyclairehoffer: bridge in OR
kellyclairehoffer: oregon coast
kellyclairehoffer: mystery trees, watch out for Paul - he might step on you
kellyclairehoffer: oregon sky