kellyclairehoffer: starting out - snack first
kellyclairehoffer: then put on pearls in honor of Julia
kellyclairehoffer: get out your ingredients
kellyclairehoffer: ground turkey breast
kellyclairehoffer: would've been better off chopping them, but got food processor crazy
kellyclairehoffer: which led to onion eyes
kellyclairehoffer: practically pureed onions
kellyclairehoffer: add breadcrumbs
kellyclairehoffer: chop basil, smells so good
kellyclairehoffer: add said nice smelling basil
kellyclairehoffer: add shredded carrots (recipe says 1/3 cup but I think I put at least a cup)
kellyclairehoffer: shredded zucchini
kellyclairehoffer: garlic added
kellyclairehoffer: add ketchup
kellyclairehoffer: all mixed up
kellyclairehoffer: almost ready to cook
kellyclairehoffer: little ketchup on top
kellyclairehoffer: bake for 45 min to an hour
kellyclairehoffer: finished 165F