kellyclairehoffer: fallen tree
kellyclairehoffer: lady in the wood
kellyclairehoffer: ocean beach
kellyclairehoffer: Alcatraz stairs
kellyclairehoffer: seagull on air
kellyclairehoffer: seagull conga line
kellyclairehoffer: Nina's alfalfa
kellyclairehoffer: Mondavi flags
kellyclairehoffer: not actually sure what it does, but contraption seems to sum it up
kellyclairehoffer: the wild picking machine
kellyclairehoffer: Sven at Opus One
kellyclairehoffer: bins and wind
kellyclairehoffer: Opus One bins
kellyclairehoffer: Artesa hill
kellyclairehoffer: view from Artesa
kellyclairehoffer: sculpture at artesa
kellyclairehoffer: artesa tasting
kellyclairehoffer: quick protest catch
kellyclairehoffer: Me and Jules at Domain Carneros
kellyclairehoffer: 3D at the Maker Faire
kellyclairehoffer: smirky Jules
kellyclairehoffer: Domain Carneros menu
kellyclairehoffer: Domain Carneros sparkling wine tasting