kelp!: Fabric
kelp!: Amy Butler Nigella fat quarter set
kelp!: Fabric from the quilt show
kelp!: blue + orange
kelp!: When Nani Iro says orange, she really means salmon
kelp!: fabric fabric fabric
kelp!: Austinian fabric
kelp!: Olivia the owl reigns over her scraps
kelp!: At capacity
kelp!: Opinions wanted!
kelp!: Organized!
kelp!: Quilt Show haul
kelp!: Fabric haul part 1
kelp!: Fabric haul part 2
kelp!: Washed and pressed
kelp!: [298/365]
kelp!: Fabric purchased yesterday
kelp!: Fabric - brights vs neutrals quilt
kelp!: Fabric - brights vs neutrals quilt
kelp!: Shiny Linen
kelp!: Pillow Planning
kelp!: Fabric
kelp!: Yet another fabric stack
kelp!: Quilt Festival - fabric
kelp!: Neptune fat quarter pack
kelp!: Quilt Festival - more fabric
kelp!: fourteen
kelp!: OSB fabrics
kelp!: Fabric stash
kelp!: One Shiny Bee fabrics