KelliHarris: Good girls brush their teeth.
KelliHarris: Miss A
KelliHarris: I make stupid faces.
KelliHarris: My nemesis.
KelliHarris: Can she get any sweeter?
KelliHarris: Happy Mother's Day!
KelliHarris: Rootbeer.
KelliHarris: Pepaw & Riley
KelliHarris: Bird Poop
KelliHarris: It's only chocolate!
KelliHarris: Pier 27
KelliHarris: My little goofy face
KelliHarris: Funny Faces
KelliHarris: Maternity Session
KelliHarris: One blue eye... one green eye.
KelliHarris: Kiss from a rose
KelliHarris: Cardinal
KelliHarris: The circus!
KelliHarris: Happy Birthday to me!
KelliHarris: Soapy Mohawk
KelliHarris: Orangina!
KelliHarris: The cake cram.
KelliHarris: She's very proud of her "artwork."
KelliHarris: Look what we found in Memaw's fern.
KelliHarris: The day Riley [edit: Riley's dingbat aunt] sprained her ankle.
KelliHarris: Watching Over Her
KelliHarris: My little helper.
KelliHarris: Fignewton
KelliHarris: Playing in the mud.