kellec: Kelle finishes packing
kellec: Crater Lake Westish
kellec: Crater Lake Eastish
kellec: Following the Bunny
kellec: Lake in and out of clouds
kellec: Bird and Plastered Tree
kellec: Wind and Snow I
kellec: Wind and Snow II
kellec: Kelle and lake I
kellec: Kelle and Lake II
kellec: Bright morning after packing up camp
kellec: Kelle skiing out of camp
kellec: Distant Peak
kellec: Lake I
kellec: Lake II
kellec: The Obstacle
kellec: Kelle and Mountains
kellec: Mt Jefferson, perhaps?
kellec: Morning lake I
kellec: Nice slope ... Water Landing
kellec: Clarks Nutcracker
kellec: Bird on Ski
kellec: If They Can Do It, So Can We!
kellec: Noah Bootin'
kellec: Beautiful Day from Up Top
kellec: Black Tusk Behind Blackcomb Mtn
kellec: Beautiful Day
kellec: Packing the Snow by Rolling in It
kellec: End of a Long Day
kellec: Kelle in the Igloo