kellec: Cathedral Peak
kellec: Cathedral Lake
kellec: Jared Near Top
kellec: From the Top
kellec: Budd Lake
kellec: Tenaya Peak
kellec: Jeff Tenaya Summit-ish
kellec: Antelope Valley Moonset
kellec: Kelle and Chris by Playhouse Rock
kellec: Chris Seconding Bat Crack
kellec: Chris on Bat Crack
kellec: Chris Topping Out on Bat Crack on Intersection Rock
kellec: Picnic Lunch Wall I
kellec: Picnic Lunch Wall II
kellec: Smith Rock Group
kellec: Asterisk Pass I
kellec: Asterisk Pass II
kellec: Third Flatiron: First Pitch
kellec: Kelle Climbing
kellec: Boulder
kellec: Batman Approach
kellec: Batman Pinnacle
kellec: Kelle about to Batman the Pinnacle
kellec: Kelle Batmaning up Pinnacle
kellec: Liberty Bell Approach
kellec: Liberty Bell
kellec: Kelle after Climbing
kellec: Kelle Climbing
kellec: Liberty Bell Group
kellec: Jeff at Pixie Corner