kellec: 25
kellec: Van 35
kellec: Bus 33
kellec: Bus 22
kellec: Flea Market at I.S. 44
kellec: Fire Truck 35
kellec: 67 Wine on Trashcan
kellec: 67 Wine
kellec: Prestige 33
kellec: Everything's Crooked
kellec: Where's the Ice Cream?
kellec: Weather Station?
kellec: Clock Reflections
kellec: Urban Domes
kellec: Great Circles
kellec: Sculpture
kellec: The Time Is...
kellec: Segregation
kellec: Sylvia?
kellec: Evening Geometry
kellec: 389
kellec: Pansy Heinz 57
kellec: 72 at Dusk
kellec: Lyre
kellec: The Dakota
kellec: Wolves
kellec: 88 Vines
kellec: Playing in the Water
kellec: Nice Place to Eat Lunch