~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: May You Always Embrace Love And Light
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: 226,000 + Kisses To You
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: When you're having fun you could really care less about getting a non blurry shot. Just saying.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: This is the look of a happy but exhausted dork.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Guess Who Surprised Kevin and I Today?
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: ~Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living~
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: ~In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities~
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: ~A mother's love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible~
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Hello my name is Kelly and I am addicted to bokeh.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: ~Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into~
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: You tell em girlfriend!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Oh! My! What a BIGGGGGGG Lens You Have!