~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: All my dreams are in your eyes
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Insert incredibly witty title here.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Every struggle has a gift for you in its hands.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: When you smiled you had my undivided attention. When you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you. When you cried you had my urge to hold you. When you said you loved me, you had my heart forever.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Just wanted to say thank you!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: ~Look into your heart and you'll find the sky is yours~
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: The rest is still unwritten...
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Sometimes we build up walls - not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to knock them down.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: All that you see or seem, is but a dream within a dream. They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Hope is a Beautiful Thing...
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: It's always been you ...
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Happy Birthday To The Man Who Puts This Smile On My Face Every Single Day
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Wrap Your Arms Around Me
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Breathe In. Breathe Out.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: And she smiled down...
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: This time of the year, every year, your love will carry me through