~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Averi (Dawn's daughter) playing with Morgan
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me and Amy, best friends for over 20 years. I was 35 weeks pregnant at my shower.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me with Dawn (Averi's mom), my cousin who has always been more like a sister to me
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me with Aunt Donna, Dawn's mom
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Amy and Chloe, Mother and Daughter
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me with Chloe, Amy's daughter
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Amy, Chloe (Amy's daughter), and Meg
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Amy (best friend for 20 yrs), "Aunt" Becky (Amy's aunt), and Meg (Amy's mom)
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me with "Aunt" Becky, I am looking WAY jacked up but only pic of me with Becky. She has been like an Aunt to me for over 20 years!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me and Meg, I look WAY jacked up but it's the only pic of me with Meg. She has been like my second mom for over 20 years!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me with my mom (in blue) and Aunt Kay and Paternal Grandma
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me with Averi, LOVE this pic :)
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Averi and Chloe, my little present helpers :)
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Awwwwwwwwwww. Me with Amy and Dawn
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me and Aunt Sheila, I look WAY jacked up here but it's the only pic of me with my Aunt Sheila
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me with cool womb sound bear
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Awwwwww me and Clay lol
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me with a weird look on my face, thanks Dawn lol. Mom got me the new Clay CD, hey now DONT LAUGH!!!!!!! I love me some Clay music! lol !
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me and my HUGE BELLY with my little present helpers, Averi and Chloe :) Gotta love the farmers tan on my arm and my white legs lol !
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Me with a PINK baby outfit, OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I am used to only BLUE baby clothes after two boys.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Delicious Honey Barbeque Meatballs, thank you Aunt Donna!