~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: A sample page of what he is reading. He started reading bits and pieces a few months ago.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Nathan is reading now! He turned 4 in April. We are so proud of him. This book is one of his faves!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Nathan and his preschool pals at the end of school year carnival!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Fire truck at carnival for the kids
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Nathan playing one of the games at the carnival
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Nathan playing one of the games at the carnival
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Nathan playing one of the games at the carnival
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Nathan and his carnival tattoo :)
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Austin LOVES his letters like Nathan always has. He proclaimed, " C!!!! MOM!!!" while at park.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Austin and daddy at parade
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Nathan and his lolipop collection, he was so proud lol.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Austin kicking his feet to the marching bands
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Brothers checking out the parade
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Constipated Nathan?! LOL!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: This sucker was about the only thing that kept Austin from crying and running away the entire time. He was a HANDFUL!!!!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Austin and daddy chillin
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Oops I fell out I think lol