~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Kel and Kev being dorky together. lol.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Kel and Kev being dorky together. lol.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Austin fit in swing. lol.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Austin pointing to himself when mommy asked, "Where's Austin?!"
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Austin pointing to himself when mommy asked, "Where's Austin?!"
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: The boys LOVE doing their numbers and letters (in order) together on the computer. They make them and then we print them off.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Nathan thinking, "I think I can, I think I can."
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: What's Up?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: "MOM, LOOK AT THAT, IT'S ELEPHANT EARS!!!!"
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Austin LOVES to do this activity. It asks him where certain letters, numbers, shapes, and objects are and he always finds them. He is too smart for his own good sometimes.
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: "MOM, GIVE ME THAT DARN CAMERA!!!!"
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Cheese man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: "Nathan, what are you doing dude!?"
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Austin on our pretend snow day inside
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Nathan hugging himself on his pretend snow day inside
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Nathan with his pink eye
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: When Austin isn't happy about something, he makes himself drool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is crazy!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Mom, this doesn't make sense!
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: Meltdown, Austin style
~Kell~ {Live Laugh Love Photography}: HI MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!