Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: Comma against the light
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: Insect covered with pollen
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: Fluttering butterflies, male and female ... and caterpillars soon ... :))
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: Brimstone on flower of Pachysandra
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: The first bee of 2014
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: The find of the day
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: Happy Birthday Saskia... ha.ha...
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: Jumping spider - Salticidae
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: Came in the house, sheltering from the rain
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: Elisabeth... go away, can't you see I am busy
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: My model for today
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: The last bumblebee of this year?
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: Lestes sponsa, damselfly
Elisabeth, Kelev, Tama, Mazal: Small Copper - Lycaena phlaeas