keldemean: the making of: streets of nyc edition.
keldemean: I present to you: a fence. with some mighty blurry daffodils. or jonquils.
keldemean: for my puja room.
keldemean: NYPL
keldemean: Brooklyn Bridge, abridged.
keldemean: The cosmos is full of treasure. I would like to offer to you a handful of diamonds.
keldemean: Bench Monday. Brooklyn Bridge Edition.
keldemean: who shoots chairs?
keldemean: last poems.
keldemean: midtown.
keldemean: poem hunter.
keldemean: blue blue and more blue.
keldemean: I'm in here somewhere.
keldemean: i wanted whatever they were selling.
keldemean: light.
keldemean: last night I dreamed I was falling.
keldemean: into the belly of the beast.
keldemean: bikes, buses, dogs, man, garbage, fence.
keldemean: There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. That's a fact.