pumpernickel: Shower at She, Etc.
pumpernickel: And then there's a big, red boa...
pumpernickel: Newbie copules
pumpernickel: 2 halves make a whole Mexican
pumpernickel: Where's the rest of that bird?
pumpernickel: Getting ready...
pumpernickel: Makeup
pumpernickel: Friends
pumpernickel: Flowers
pumpernickel: Flowers in her hair
pumpernickel: Flowers in her hair (detail)
pumpernickel: Ceremony
pumpernickel: Nat's story
pumpernickel: Here they come
pumpernickel: Waiting
pumpernickel: "Absolutely."
pumpernickel: Final song
pumpernickel: Married!
pumpernickel: Looks official to me!
pumpernickel: Camera girl
pumpernickel: Patio @ Z Tejas
pumpernickel: Burning up, but oh so happy
pumpernickel: Bridal cake
pumpernickel: All the cakes
pumpernickel: Cake swap!