R&B-ShootingArt: The lonely three.
R&B-ShootingArt: Sunset in Shiga.
R&B-ShootingArt: Katsura-gawa
R&B-ShootingArt: Black sand.
R&B-ShootingArt: Bird's nest
R&B-ShootingArt: Coming night.
R&B-ShootingArt: Late arrival.
R&B-ShootingArt: Fishing boat.
R&B-ShootingArt: Trough the rock.
R&B-ShootingArt: FujiSAnBlueAndRed3
R&B-ShootingArt: Kanji on the sunset.
R&B-ShootingArt: The fishing boat.
R&B-ShootingArt: The face of Mont Fuji.
R&B-ShootingArt: The roots
R&B-ShootingArt: Blackd and white springtime
R&B-ShootingArt: On the seacoast
R&B-ShootingArt: Black and the waves
R&B-ShootingArt: Green vestige
R&B-ShootingArt: Red and shadow
R&B-ShootingArt: The red clouds
R&B-ShootingArt: Green between
R&B-ShootingArt: Blooming