R&B-ShootingArt: Little street.
R&B-ShootingArt: Thz Cathedral.
R&B-ShootingArt: Behind the darkness.
R&B-ShootingArt: Notre dame de Paris.
R&B-ShootingArt: Calm street.
R&B-ShootingArt: European parliament.
R&B-ShootingArt: Gargouilles.
R&B-ShootingArt: Chatelet.
R&B-ShootingArt: Afternoon on the Seine.
R&B-ShootingArt: Eiffel tower.
R&B-ShootingArt: The only one perspective: The cathedral.
R&B-ShootingArt: Closed door;
R&B-ShootingArt: Through the night.
R&B-ShootingArt: Little street.
R&B-ShootingArt: Traditionnal house.
R&B-ShootingArt: Traditionnal house.
R&B-ShootingArt: Gargouilles.
R&B-ShootingArt: Colored windows
R&B-ShootingArt: Cathedrals Door
R&B-ShootingArt: Illuminated stairs.
R&B-ShootingArt: Ginkakuji temple.
R&B-ShootingArt: Hidded temple.
R&B-ShootingArt: Wood and spirit.
R&B-ShootingArt: Kobe tower.
R&B-ShootingArt: Shintoiste temple.
R&B-ShootingArt: Touch the sky.