philoscoffee: Travelling cattle-class
philoscoffee: Offer of the week: finest horse steak from ‘Roastbeef’ (England)
philoscoffee: Illuminated paving stones
philoscoffee: The best of all possible statues!
philoscoffee: Universität Leipzig
philoscoffee: G. W. Leibniz
philoscoffee: Leibniz
philoscoffee: Goethe
philoscoffee: Opera House
philoscoffee: Augustusplatz (formerly Karl Marx Platz)
philoscoffee: The new university building, constructed on the site of an old church destroyed by the communists
philoscoffee: Michael Jackson memorial
philoscoffee: A house on a bridge
philoscoffee: Salon or basic hairshop? Tough call…
philoscoffee: …or “something that’s a little more different”!
philoscoffee: Leipzig Hauptbahnhof