Keith Tam: DSCN1224
Keith Tam: DSCN1118
Keith Tam: DSCN1119
Keith Tam: DSCN1120-a
Keith Tam: DSCN1152
Keith Tam: 荷城  He Cheng (Lotus City)
Keith Tam: 荷城  He Cheng (Lotus City)
Keith Tam: 荷城  He Cheng (Lotus City)
Keith Tam: high tension power line
Keith Tam: 下課了!
Keith Tam: 下課了!
Keith Tam: 下課了!
Keith Tam: tofu
Keith Tam: plastic bag shop
Keith Tam: 靈龜塔 Turtle Pagoda
Keith Tam: 西江 Xi Jiang
Keith Tam: ‘Chinese spaghetti’ shop
Keith Tam: on our way to the old town 往明城去
Keith Tam: 文昌塔 Wen Ciang Pagoda
Keith Tam: 三譚
Keith Tam: 明城鎮
Keith Tam: 明城鎮
Keith Tam: 小狗 dog
Keith Tam: 明城鎮 Gaoming old town
Keith Tam: old town theatre 明城影劇院
Keith Tam: old town theatre 明城影劇院
Keith Tam: plastic bags
Keith Tam: bills on the wall
Keith Tam: DSCN1289
Keith Tam: 明城小學 old town elementary school