Keith A. Seiffert: A Rose on the beach
Keith A. Seiffert: No Parking
Keith A. Seiffert: Ass Crossing
Keith A. Seiffert: Where were you?
Keith A. Seiffert: Fighting the good fight
Keith A. Seiffert: Shoes on the hearth
Keith A. Seiffert: Natural Habitat
Keith A. Seiffert: Square peg, round hole
Keith A. Seiffert: Mt Saint Hellens Back
Keith A. Seiffert: In the grass
Keith A. Seiffert: Hold on to the ones that care.
Keith A. Seiffert: We are not going to agree
Keith A. Seiffert: Growing in silence
Keith A. Seiffert: ...What if?
Keith A. Seiffert: What is it like?
Keith A. Seiffert: If it were only so simple...
Keith A. Seiffert: Knob of the Grave
Keith A. Seiffert: Just another day on the bay
Keith A. Seiffert: After it all...
Keith A. Seiffert: "Character is forged in the smallest of struggles"
Keith A. Seiffert: A burst of inspiration
Keith A. Seiffert: The shortest distance between two points
Keith A. Seiffert: Middle Falls
Keith A. Seiffert: Better than it was
Keith A. Seiffert: Grapes of Concord
Keith A. Seiffert: I still have you