keith.sariol: reading on the waterfront
keith.sariol: DSC_0217
keith.sariol: Silhouette at sunset
keith.sariol: bombing the train yard
keith.sariol: nectars wall bomb
keith.sariol: stroll at dusk
keith.sariol: DSC_0249.jpg
keith.sariol: waiting to cross
keith.sariol: out on the side portch
keith.sariol: Cody Lane smoking
keith.sariol: reunion of friends
keith.sariol: steve on the steps
keith.sariol: walking on
keith.sariol: wheres howard?
keith.sariol: huy through the smoke
keith.sariol: cara swinging
keith.sariol: man riding his bike
keith.sariol: Ben outside Mcdoland
keith.sariol: island riding
keith.sariol: looking out
keith.sariol: hobbies
keith.sariol: hugh and his mug
keith.sariol: simon on a rock
keith.sariol: ryan terry
keith.sariol: DSC_0616-Edit
keith.sariol: last rays of the setting sun