Keith Roper:
Ants in the Pollen
Keith Roper:
Cactus Flower, Gibraltar
Keith Roper:
Oranges, Alhambra
Keith Roper:
The Sea on the Rocks, Nerja
Keith Roper:
Thistle on a Mountain Path, Mijas
Keith Roper:
Thorns on a Thistle, Mijas
Keith Roper:
Honey Bee on a Flower
Keith Roper:
Orange Flower Wilts Among The Rocks, Nerja
Keith Roper:
Purple Flower Among The Rocks, Nerja
Keith Roper:
Yellow Flower, The Cliffs at Nerja
Keith Roper:
Herring Gull, Gibraltar
Keith Roper:
Horse Stabled at the Bullring, Ronda