kp-snaps: #2 in the towel and radiator series
kp-snaps: Contrast
kp-snaps: Vanishing point
kp-snaps: Redroom
kp-snaps: Spot the odd one out
kp-snaps: After an evening with Mark Latimer
kp-snaps: This is ground control to...
kp-snaps: Another niche with water, beer and plastic tulips
kp-snaps: Still life with towel and radiator
kp-snaps: Levoca reservoir 4
kp-snaps: Levoca reservoir 3
kp-snaps: Levoca reservoir 2
kp-snaps: Levoca reservoir 1
kp-snaps: Congress hall snow
kp-snaps: Wreck across the road
kp-snaps: Where our neighbours live
kp-snaps: Klastorska roofs
kp-snaps: Congress hall and WATR
kp-snaps: Image
kp-snaps: Starry, starry night...?
kp-snaps: Snow... really?
kp-snaps: A kitchen
kp-snaps: From where I'm sitting...
kp-snaps: The house at the end of the garden
kp-snaps: A view from...
kp-snaps: Urban sprawl?
kp-snaps: Still life with plastic tulips and wine bottle
kp-snaps: The Tatras were beautiful
kp-snaps: Image