Welsh Wildlife.:
Aberdaron july 10th, Scorpion Fly
Welsh Wildlife.:
Aberdaron july 10th, Scorpion Fly
Welsh Wildlife.:
Aberdaron sep, Scorpion Fly. in Welsh, Pryf Sgorpion.
Welsh Wildlife.:
Aberdaron sep, Scorpion Fly. in Welsh, Pryf Sgorpion.
Welsh Wildlife.:
Llangollen march 15th, (Hoverfly larva) melanostoma ?. 7mm long found under slate on old wall under moss.
Welsh Wildlife.:
llangollen march 8th, 10mm, Dasysyrphus sp. larva.
Welsh Wildlife.:
sep 2nd llangollen, Sericomyia silentis, ( Bog Hoverfly )
Welsh Wildlife.:
llangollen nov 8th, Syrphus ribesii, Hoverfly Larva.
Welsh Wildlife.:
march12th llangollen, Hoverfly larva.
Welsh Wildlife.:
dec 17th llangollen, Hoverfly still hanging on.
Welsh Wildlife.:
nov 24th , llandudno, Hoverfly
Welsh Wildlife.:
nov 13th llangollen, Autumn’s wildlife, Hoverfly Larva.
Welsh Wildlife.:
oct 22nd llangollen, Hoverfly Larva eats aphid
Welsh Wildlife.:
oct 8th llangollen, Hoverfly larva eating a aphid.
Welsh Wildlife.:
Conwy Nature Reserve, Grypocoris stysi, & hoverfly Helophilus pendulus.
Welsh Wildlife.:
april 8th llangollen, Hoverfly sp.
Welsh Wildlife.:
april 1st llangollen, Hoverfly, rest on my finger i dont mind!!.
Welsh Wildlife.:
march 29th llangollen, Syrphus.
Welsh Wildlife.:
oct 16th llangollen, Hoverfly larva (Syrphus ribesii)
Welsh Wildlife.:
July 19th Llangollen, Newly emerged Hoverfly, Episyrphus balteatus.
Welsh Wildlife.:
may 17th, llangollen, Hoverfly. © Keith Evans.
Welsh Wildlife.:
may 16th Llangollen nature, Hoverfly.
Welsh Wildlife.:
March 18th llangollen, Marmalade Fly, Episyrphus balteatus. poss id.
Welsh Wildlife.:
Hoverfly, Episyrphus-balteatus.
Welsh Wildlife.:
Hoverfly, Eupeodes-corollae
Welsh Wildlife.:
Hoverfly, Eupeodes-corollae
Welsh Wildlife.:
Llŷn Peninsula, July, Scorpion Fly
Welsh Wildlife.:
Aberdaron - Scorpion fly.
Welsh Wildlife.:
photo from summer, Scorpion Fly, they are skilful at the removal of prey from spider webs without getting caught themselves, body length 17-20mm
Welsh Wildlife.:
photo from summer, Scorpion Fly, they are skilful at the removal of prey from spider webs without getting caught themselves, body length 17-20mm