Welsh Wildlife.: Aberdaron Aug 23rd, Small Copper
Welsh Wildlife.: Aberdaron aug 23rd, Gatekeeper
Welsh Wildlife.: Aberdaron aug 23rd, Painted Lady
Welsh Wildlife.: Aberdaron july, Small Skipper
Welsh Wildlife.: Aberdaron july, Large Skipper
Welsh Wildlife.: aug 4th Great Orme, Gatekeeper.
Welsh Wildlife.: aug 4th Great Orme, Brown argus, (Aricia agestis), Argws Brown.
Welsh Wildlife.: aug 4th Great Orme, Common Blue Butterflies.
Welsh Wildlife.: July 15th &16th Aberdaron, butterfly, Grayling.
Welsh Wildlife.: July 15th &16th Aberdaron, Meadow Brown, one of the rarer two spotted versions (two white spots in the black roundel)
Welsh Wildlife.: Great Orme - Silver-studded blue butterflies.
Welsh Wildlife.: Great Orme - Silver-studded blue butterfly.
Welsh Wildlife.: Great Orme - poss id Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)
Welsh Wildlife.: Great Orme - Silver-Studded Blue butterflies.
Welsh Wildlife.: llangollen aug 14th, Small White.
Welsh Wildlife.: may 26th Black Rock Sand Dunes,Common blue
Welsh Wildlife.: May 17th Llangollen, Holly Blue.
Welsh Wildlife.: may 7th Great Orme, Wall Brown Butterfly (underwing)
Welsh Wildlife.: may 7th Great Orme, Wall Brown Butterfly.
Welsh Wildlife.: april 25th welsh coast, speckled wood butterfly
Welsh Wildlife.: April 14th Great Orme Peacock.
Welsh Wildlife.: April 14th Great Orme Speckled wood.
Welsh Wildlife.: April 14th Great Orme, Small White.
Welsh Wildlife.: march 30th llangollen , Peacock Butterfly.
Welsh Wildlife.: March 9th Llangollen, Small Tortoiseshell.
Welsh Wildlife.: March 9th Llangollen, Small Tortoiseshell.
Welsh Wildlife.: oct 15th Llangollen, Mantell Goch, Red Admiral butterfly.
Welsh Wildlife.: oct 6th llangollen, Small Copper Butterfly. Copor Bach.
Welsh Wildlife.: sep 27th llangollen, Trilliw Bach, Small tortoiseshell butterfly.
Welsh Wildlife.: sep 14th wales, Red Admiral Butterfly.