Keith Nurney: Preparing for the joust
Keith Nurney: Full speed
Keith Nurney: Concentration
Keith Nurney: Shards everywhere
Keith Nurney: Supporters of the Red Rose
Keith Nurney: Weapons at hand
Keith Nurney: Ill tempered meeting - prelude to the Battle
Keith Nurney: First shots ring out
Keith Nurney: Let the canons roar...
Keith Nurney: White Rose army on the march
Keith Nurney: The King (Edward IV) takes on the House of Lancaster
Keith Nurney: Victory for the King
Keith Nurney: Battle of Bosworth Field
Keith Nurney: First volley of arrows
Keith Nurney: The tower guns are fired
Keith Nurney: Close engagement in the fog of war
Keith Nurney: Clashing weapons
Keith Nurney: Richard III, preparing for battle
Keith Nurney: The King into the fray
Keith Nurney: The King seeking Henry Tudor
Keith Nurney: The King is dismounted
Keith Nurney: A Horse! A Kingdom for a Horse...
Keith Nurney: The final blow
Keith Nurney: Henry Tudor is proclaimed King
Keith Nurney: Victory speech
Keith Nurney: Victory salute for the House of Lancaster
Keith Nurney: Thanking the troops