kiwikeith: Outside Holdsworth Lodge
kiwikeith: Matt relaxing
kiwikeith: Merel at the viewpoint
kiwikeith: Pointy
kiwikeith: Man make fire. Almost.
kiwikeith: Powell Hut
kiwikeith: Powell Hut longdrops
kiwikeith: Huh?
kiwikeith: Look! There's Ben Stiller!
kiwikeith: View from Mt Holdsworth
kiwikeith: Mt Holdsworth summit
kiwikeith: Dave, Me and Merel on Mt Holdsworth
kiwikeith: Sunrise from Powell Hut
kiwikeith: Sunrise over the toilets
kiwikeith: Powell Hut
kiwikeith: Powell Hut, Tararuas
kiwikeith: Sunrise from Powell Hut
kiwikeith: Powell Hut, Tararuas
kiwikeith: Merel, Matt and Dave up high
kiwikeith: Wooden sign
kiwikeith: Cool flora
kiwikeith: Merel
kiwikeith: Dave on the ridge
kiwikeith: Merel having fun
kiwikeith: Mt Holdsworth sign
kiwikeith: Ahem
kiwikeith: Not constipated; laughing
kiwikeith: Gorgeous forest