kiwikeith: Wedding flowers
kiwikeith: Jen putting on Nuala's make up
kiwikeith: Terese, Jen and Nuala
kiwikeith: Nuala
kiwikeith: Champagne glasses
kiwikeith: The happy couple
kiwikeith: Nuala, Keith and Tony setting up Skype
kiwikeith: Kathryn and Stu
kiwikeith: Amanda and Brooke
kiwikeith: Saying vows
kiwikeith: Nuala and Keith with Carol (celebrant) during vows
kiwikeith: Nuls and Keith about to be married
kiwikeith: Exchanging rings
kiwikeith: Signing register
kiwikeith: Both of us signing register
kiwikeith: Yay! Married :o)
kiwikeith: The wedding party
kiwikeith: Paul, Keith, Nuls, Brooke and Amanda
kiwikeith: Stu and Carlee
kiwikeith: The flatmates
kiwikeith: Nuls, Bridget and Kerry
kiwikeith: Nuala's wedding ring
kiwikeith: Jen, Derek, Keith and Nuala
kiwikeith: Kerry, Bridget, Keith and Nuls
kiwikeith: Tony, Nuala and Keith
kiwikeith: Fergal, Nuls, Keith and Nikki
kiwikeith: At the local park
kiwikeith: Peekaboo
kiwikeith: Yay! Married at last!