Keith Levit: Let's start - my home on Cambridge St
Keith Levit: Cambridge St. and Wellington Cres
Keith Levit: Wellington Cres.
Keith Levit: Rehabilitation Centre for Children - Wellington Cres
Keith Levit: Shaarey Zedek Synagogue
Keith Levit: Maryland Bridge
Keith Levit: Assiniboine River
Keith Levit: Assiniboine River
Keith Levit: Assiniboine River
Keith Levit: Sherbrook St.
Keith Levit: Misericordia Hospital
Keith Levit: Misericordia Hospital
Keith Levit: The Nook Diner
Keith Levit: Sherbrook St.
Keith Levit: Sherbrook St.
Keith Levit: Sherbrook St.
Keith Levit: EPIC Information Solutions
Keith Levit: Community Gardens - Sherbrook St.
Keith Levit: Parsons Plumbing and Heating
Keith Levit: Creative Retirement Manitoba
Keith Levit: Sherbrook Telephone Exchange Building
Keith Levit: 309 Sherbrook Apartments
Keith Levit: Sherbrook St. and Portage Ave.
Keith Levit: Portage Ave.
Keith Levit: Portage Ave.
Keith Levit: Sherbrook Pool
Keith Levit: Sherbrook Pool
Keith Levit: Hydro Plant - 389 Sherbrook St.
Keith Levit: Sherbrook Vet
Keith Levit: Sherbrook St.