Carneddau: Westbury Railway Station
Carneddau: Exter St Davids, Raiway Station
Carneddau: Crossing the Roayal Albert Bridge, Saltash
Carneddau: Train arrival in Penzance
Carneddau: Penzance Railway Station
Carneddau: Penzance Harbour to St Michael's Mount
Carneddau: Scillonian III, alongside, Penzance
Carneddau: Jubilee Pool,Penzance
Carneddau: Coulson's Place.Penzance
Carneddau: Regent Square, Penzance
Carneddau: The Ritz, Chapel St, Penxance
Carneddau: To Newlyn, from Penzamce
Carneddau: Western Promenade Road, Penzance
Carneddau: Egyptian House, Penznace
Carneddau: Royal Cinema,St Ives