Carneddau: Neolithic House Pilots - the plan
Carneddau: Neolithic House Pilots - the plan
Carneddau: Practice pitch: wall posts
Carneddau: Chalk crushing
Carneddau: Practice pitch: weaving walls
Carneddau: House 851: each post is exactly cut to the archeology
Carneddau: House 547: short posts
Carneddau: Chalk crushing: a warm & sheltered job for cold days
Carneddau: Practice pitch: walls & roof
Carneddau: House 851: weaving of walls progressing well
Carneddau: House 547: experimental weaving
Carneddau: Practice roofing
Carneddau: Knotted staw drying in the sun.
Carneddau: Practice roof/thatch
Carneddau: Testing the practice roof (rain shower)
Carneddau: Practice: rose ties
Carneddau: Practice: Rose ties - using willow
Carneddau: House 547: experimental thatching
Carneddau: Teepee (bldg 848) started (final version)
Carneddau: House 547: experimental walls & roof
Carneddau: House 851: hazel wall & door framework
Carneddau: More thatching - it's a slow process
Carneddau: House 851 - chalk daub has started
Carneddau: House 851: thatching (knotted straw)
Carneddau: Good progress now being made
Carneddau: Teepee (bldg 848) - experimental framework sections
Carneddau: House 851: preparing the mud/dung daub.
Carneddau: House 851: more thatching and mud daubing
Carneddau: Teepee framework and door arch almost complete
Carneddau: Teepee progressing well