Carneddau: Front area
Carneddau: Original path ....
Carneddau: Original "path"
Carneddau: Marked out for digging ....
Carneddau: Start of the digging out
Carneddau: Digging out in progress
Carneddau: Side path - dug out
Carneddau: Some of the material removed
Carneddau: Wall foundation
Carneddau: Cutting back the old pipe.
Carneddau: Step foundations
Carneddau: Wall foundations
Carneddau: The gardener
Carneddau: Wall rebuild
Carneddau: Path sub base laid and tamped down
Carneddau: Ready to start some building ...
Carneddau: Wall and step in progress
Carneddau: Step almost done
Carneddau: First slabs now laid ...
Carneddau: Retaining wall, step & new path started
Carneddau: Stew's wall coming on well
Carneddau: New wall under construction